The school runs as a Day-cum-Residential school focusing on holistic growth of students, addressing their physical, emotional, social and cultural needs besides academic excellence.
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We have got some best faculty in city who can help you to to polish your skills as much as you can.....Read More
We are happy to tell you that we are accepting new admissions for new batches so don't delay get enrolled asap....Read More
The aim of school is to develop the all round personality of the children-his/her intellectual aesthetics, social, emotional moral and spiritual being. The student here is encouraged to explore and observe his/her own thinking, behaviour and thus develop his/her all-round personality.
The objective is to provide quality education to the children and teach the students to sustain and enhance rich cultural heritage and prepare them to meet the challenges in life successfully.
The school devotes itself with missionary zeal to the realization of imparting value added quality education.