Our Curriculum

We are happy to introduce many dynamic courses which includes many new and great features..... Read More

Our Faculty

We have got some best faculty in city who can help you to to polish your skills as much as you can.....Read More

Admission Procedure

We are happy to tell you that we are accepting new admissions for new batches so don't delay get enrolled asap....Read More


 Session 2021-22

Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class
NUR L.K.G & U.K.G I,II,III IV,V VI,VII & VIII IX & X XI & XII Commerce XI & XII Science


1.  Registration Charges
1000 1000 1000 2000 2000 3000 3000 3000
2.  Admission Fee
1000 1000 1000 2000 2000 3000 3000 3000
B.  Annual CHARGES
2500 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000 8000
C.  Tution Fee
11,000 13500 14500 17000 23000 30000 33000 36000
15500 Rs. 18000 Rs. 19500 Rs. 25000 Rs. 32000 Rs. 42000 Rs. 47000 Rs. 50000 Rs.
Ist(Tution Fee + Annual Charges)
11000 11250 12250 16500 20500 27000 30500 32000
2nd Installment
5500 6750 7250 8500 11500 15000 16500 18000


* For two Installments payment, 1st Installment is payable on or before 15.04.2021 or at the time of admission in full and the 2nd Installment is payable on or before 01.10.2021 in full, failing which the student may not be allowed to attend classes and School activities. However in some cases , if approved by the Principal, the fee may be accepted at a later date with late fine of Rs 50/- per day .

*All fee being paid in cash must be paid only in School Office against official reciept. In any case cash must not be handed over to any employee of the school without proper official receipt . Preferably the fee should be paid through cheque or Bank transfer, details of which are given below.

*Transportation charges for Day Scholars taking School trasnport is extra which varies according to the distance, details of which may be obtained from the School office.

* Special discount is given for every New female child admission in the fee structure.

Hostel Fee - 1,10000 Rs.